Specialties Products
Zinol Anti Freeze Coolant
GRADE | 100, 50/50, 40/60, 33/67 |
ZINOL ANTIFREEZE/COOLANT is the high quality concentrated ethylene glycol based engine coolant/antifreeze. It based on latest organic technology additive system gives long time protection and suited for year round use in cars and light and heavy duty trucks, specially made for cooling system components.

- Protect the cooling system against freezing in winter and boil-over in summers.
- Chemical inhibitors minimizes corrosion of copper, solder, brass, steel ,cast, cast iron and aluminum metals which are commonly use d in coolant systems.
- Its special rubber anti swelling property protects hose, seal, and gasket and engine parts.
- Its special rubber anti swelling property protects hose, seal, and gasket and engine parts.